About me…


Hi, my name is Julie!

After graduating from Michigan State University, I moved back to the Metro Detroit area to start working full time. At that time, I had been collecting cook books, and writing down recipes on any loose paper I could find. After a year of cooking in my free time, I decided it was time to collect all my ideas in one place.

I have been following a dairy free diet for about 8 years. When I first learned that I had to become dairy free, I thought I would have to give up all my favorite foods. After a while, I started cooking a lot more at home, and realized I did not have to give up much at all! Eating dairy free has challenged me to come up with alternate recipes of my favorite foods. Now I don't ever feel like I am missing out on eating well.

All the recipes on my blog are dairy free, and use dairy free substitutes and brands. However, if you do not follow a dairy free diet, feel free to add back the real stuff.

Hopefully you will be able to find something in this blog that will inspire you to try a recipe in your own kitchen! My goal is to share my love of cooking and show my readers that cooking at home does not have to be intimidating or too time consuming. If you like what you read, be sure to check out my Instagram page @juliesfoodfeed to keep up with my most recent posts!

 Happy Cooking!
